Crystal Lagoons has 80 projects in operation and over 1000 projects in different stages around the globe.
In its early years, Crystal Lagoons licensed its technology exclusively to private real estate projects, but during the last three years, 90% of projects have been Public Access Lagoons® developments.
We believe these projects will have a major impact on the lifestyle of cities and the company’s revenues.
This new emphasis on Public Access Lagoons® projects is not only posed to change people’s lifestyles around the world and lower carbon footprint by reducing the need to travel to beach destinations but also is projected to greatly increase the company’s revenue over the long term, as the estimated revenue on each PAL® project is expected to be, on average, significantly greater than the real estate project license.
Crystal Lagoons has 71 operational projects. Another 350 projects that are
under contract across the globe are expected to come into operation in the coming months and years and, in some cases, over the longer-term, the majority of which are PAL™ projects.
In its early years, Crystal Lagoon had private real estate projects, but during the last 3 years, 90% of projects have been Public Access Lagoons™.
We believe these projects will have a major impact on the lifestyle of cities and on the company’s revenues.
Crystal Lagoons is currently negotiating another 379 new projects and expects to continue to have a steady pipeline of new projects in negotiation each year.
80 Projects in Operation
Coming Soon
Projects under contract that will enter operation
in the upcoming years
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